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Empowering Students + Engaged Community = Endless Possibilities

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As part of our District vision, we want to keep our community engaged and involved in our schools. The Louisville Community Academy is our way of providing the school-community connection. We are incredibly grateful to the GPD Employees Foundation Grant and Walmart Grant, we're able to provide these experiences at a discounted cost, or even no cost, to our community members.

Have you attended one of our Louisville Community Academy classes?
How many have you attended?
What type of class have you attended?Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
Overall, how do you rate your Louisville Community Academy Experience?
What season works best for your family?Select all that apply.
Select all that apply.
What's the best time of day?Please select up to 3 choices
Please select up to 3 choices
How do you hear about school events?Please select up to 3 choices
Please select up to 3 choices
What's the most you'd pay for a class?
List any businesses or people we should contact to lead a class.

We'll email you when Community Academy events become available.

First Name
Last Name

Thank you

Activities funded through a generous contribution from the GPD Employees’ Foundation Grant and Walmart Grant.