We are sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice! We are so excited that you are a part of Leopard Nation! All of our buildings are now Purple Star designated schools, which means the Ohio Department of Education recognizes all four buildings as schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.
- All of our buildings have a point-of-contact person for you. This staff member serves as the primary liaison between you and the school.
- Each of our liaisons completed professional development on special considerations for military students.
- Each of our liaisons identifies and informs teachers of the military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military families and students should receive.
- We also update this page with resources and opportunities for your family.
Please contact your child's main office (numbers listed below), and our secretary will put you in contact with the point-of-contact person in the school who will work alongside you and your family.
High School 330.875.1438 |
Middle School 330.875.5597 |
Louisville Elementary 330.875.1177 |
North Nim Elementary 330.875.2661 |
Thank you for your service to our country; we are honored you are part of our community!