Louisville City Schools is committed to finding a niche and purpose for every child by providing opportunities to empower students to use their abilities and reach their highest potential. Our students are provided opportunities to learn and grow within our classrooms and school buildings.
Gifted Definition:
“Gifted” means students who perform or show potential at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment and who are identified under Division (A), (B), (C) or (D) of Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3324: Gifted Students. All Ohio school districts are required to screen and identify gifted students in grades K-12 using approved assessments.
Identification Criteria
Identification Plan
Gifted Definition:
“Gifted” means students who perform or show potential at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment and who are identified under Division (A), (B), (C) or (D) of Section 3324.03 of the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3324: Gifted Students. All Ohio school districts are required to screen and identify gifted students in grades K-12 using approved assessments.
Gifted Service
While the State of Ohio requires districts to identify gifted students, it does not require districts to offer gifted service or mandate service eligibility. The Louisville City School Districts goal is to discover and develop to the fullest extent the potential of each student by empowering the student to become a life-long learner and a positive contributing member of our society. Students who are identified as gifted, may receive services that are consistent with their individual needs and area(s) of identification.
- Elementary Gifted Program
- Louisville Middle School Gifted Program
- Louisville High School Gifted Program
- College Credit Plus
- Acceleration
- Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Elementary Gifted Program
Louisville Middle School Gifted Program
Louisville High School Gifted Program
College Credit Plus
Early Entrance to Kindergarten
Written Education Plans (WEPs)
The district provides gifted services based on the student's area(s) of identification and individual needs. These services are documented by a Written Educational Plan (WEP). The WEP, which is provided to parents of gifted students and educators responsible for providing gifted education services, includes the following:
A description of services provided
Goals for the student in each service specified
Methods for evaluating progress toward goal achievement
Methods and schedule for progress reporting
A yearly WEP review date
The WEP also specifies staff members responsible for ensuring service delivery.